Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's great! It's bad. It's wonderful!

I try to keep my writer trials confined to my Wolf Cub blog, but sometimes they are such a huge part of my life; they overlap here as well.

I won't go into great details other than to say that being a writer is prone to the development of multiple personalities. Especially when dealing with editors or crit groups.

Last night I was over the moon! Everything was sit up like clock work. I was inputting suggestions from an old crit group into my beginning chapters, sending them to a new editor, then submitting the returned files to a new crit group. At the same time, I was submitting my new chapters to the crit group for first round edits. Life was good and I could foresee having my book ready to start marketing in a few months.

I'm a wonderful writer!

A born natural!

This is so easy!

This morning, I got my first crit back from a writer on my new group and she ripped my first chapter to pieces! She was very nice and informative about it and I learned a ton. She pointed out places where I had "info dumps" and the "flow stalled" -- fancy writer terms. lol

But her overall statement was that the chapter did not carry the pzazz it needed to as a first chapter. Oddly enough, I've always thought this was true but no one else had said anything about it. The lady doing the crit has several books published in my genre and you could tell she knew what she was talking about. She said without changes that the chapter really didn't do anything for her.

Her comment did something for me, I was depressed all day.

I don't know how to write.

Why do I even try.

My book isn't worth the space it's
taking up on my hard drive.

This evening I got a new crit on a new chapters I submitted to my old crit group and the person doing the critiquing is a published writer as well. She thought it was nearly perfect; the emotions were tugged. It was sad, it was heart breaking, it was funny. Very few changes and she thought it was the best thing she's read so far.

I also got a secondary crit from someone else on Chapter 1; from the new group. She liked it. While pointing out a few things that will make a bid difference, she didn't suggest many changes. She liked it so much she was immediately going to read and crit the other chapter I'd submitted.

I'm a wonderful writer!

A born natural!

This is so easy!

1 comment:

  1. It's all about the reader. Keep moving forward with it!
