Thursday, March 5, 2009

Have mop, Will travel

So I've been cleaning on my house for days. Not surprising really. I'm not the neatest person in the best of times. When I'm sick, forget about it!

After days of cleaning this room or that, I finally made my way down to the floors. Today I had to mop almost 600 square feet of floor. Nasty, dog ridden, spill stained, mud caked floor. So yeah, I was looking forward to it.

To add to the loads of fun and excitement I was having, Will decided he wanted to mop too. As he has officially quit taking a nap, there really was nothing else to do with him. So I gave him a spray bottle of soap/water mixture to pretreat areas. He went around way OVERspraying any tiny spot he could find.

Which worked for me. I had a breather to prepare the pail and get everything in order. Then the mopping began. I started by assigning him areas to work on; less dirty areas. But somehow, and I'm exaggerating here, he managed to make them look worse than before he started. So I not only got to mop all the areas, I got to mop them two of three times if he remopped them.

But that wasn't the worse of it. While our mop bucket has a roller feature to help squeeze out the excess water (and Will knows how to use it), Will mostly elected to skip this step. There is a small area behind the roller device that his mop fit in perfectly. He'd dip it in there and bring it out draining water all over my floor. My floor that had soapy prewash on it. Yep, you can see where this is going.

Before we were half way through mopping, we more closely resembled bumbling amatures on an ice rink than on people attempting to clean their floor. I found the best position to remain upright was to spread my legs out a little and sort of squat walk. Oh yeah, without shoes, those bastards made me fall down two or three times.

Will fell at least five times I counted, but it didn't phase him in the least. As we slipped and slid, teetered and fell, Will just laughed.

My floors are clean, soaked, but clean. My son and I are covered in dirty mop water and my joints ache. Doing anything with the young is just not for the faint of heart.

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