Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Bump in the Road

The road.

I've been working really hard the last three weeks to improve my health.  Now that Will is back in school, I have been taking the opportunity to go walking each morning with Linden.  We walk two miles each school day - an amazing accomplishment when you consider I averaged a mile or two a week during the summer months.

I've also arranged to swap baby-time with a new friend so I have been able to add another workout to my weekly schedule.

While I can't techinally diet while nursing, I have cut out sweets, stopped eating late in the day, and tried to curb snacking as much as possible.

And it's working.  Slowly.  But it is working.

In three weeks I've lost five pounds and definately began to rebuild some lost muscel mass.

I still hate getting dressed in the morning, as nothing fits right and I'm so disappointented in the person I see in the mirror.  But in this case, it's definately better than the alternative ... not getting dressed.  

All and all, I'm okay with my progress, but realize it's a long slow road ahead of me.

The bump.

I've been sleep training Linden the last few days, and it's been hell.  I've spent more time listening to him crying in the last three days than I have in the ten months of his life.  I'm not getting any sleep and my nerves are shot.

Tuesdays and Thrusdays are always tough at my house as they are the days I take Will to tuttoring.  He gets off the buss at 3:00 and he's tired and really just wants to disappear into his room for about an hour and veg.  But we have to leave by 3:20 to make it to the tutor on time.  Once we drop him off, a little before 4:00, Linden and I have an hour to hang around the area until we pick him up.  We make it home about  5:30; usually with a screaming baby and a tired boy.  Then it's rush, rush, rush, through homework, meals, and baths so that everyone can be tucked into their rooms about 7:30.  It's just stressful.

Today, Steve came home early with a stomach bug.  Then, on the way home from tutoring, Will began to complain about not feeling well.  Just as I laid Linden down for the night, Will starts giving back everything he's eaten all day.  An hour later, everyone is in bed or asleep, except for me.  I'm attempting to locate a package USPS has manged to lose, answer emails, and print out files for orders tomorrow.

But that's not the bump ...  this is:

I don't even remember the trip to the kitchen to get it, but I looked down and there were nothing but crumbs on the wrapper that use to contain a frigging huge blueberry muffin.  Seriously, I ate an entire 4-servings size blueberry muffin at nine p.m. without even thinking about it.  There's my bump.

I'm seasoned enough to know there will be delays, set backs, road blocks, and bumps along the way to any goal.  But wouldn't it be nice to have a little warning beforehand?