Thursday, February 14, 2013

Point of View

Postive POV (Point of View)

"Positive things happen to positive people." - Sarah Beeny

I had an amazing day today.  

1) My BFF picked Linden and I up and drove us to Joann's for their grand opening - and she bought me a large iced tea on the way.  I got a $10 gift card at Joann's for free and a 50%-off coupon.  I found a set of cookie sheets that ended up costing me nothing!

2) We stopped by a local store to check out evening wear, then had lunch together.

3) My BFF also watched Linden while I ran into HEB and grabbed items for dinner.

4) Linden and I got to go to Will's school for his Valentine's party.  He made an awesome sunday and played Bingo while we were there.

5) I enjoyed some sun and fresh air this afternoon after Will got out of school and this evening Steve cooked crab legs and sweet potatoes for me - and brought me home a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

It was a fabulous Valentine's!

  Negative POV

 “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.” - Winston Churchill

I had the worse day ever!

1) I went out with my friend this morning to run errands.  I had to remove Linden's car seat and install it in her vehicle - and those seats are not made to move around.  While I was taking it out, Linden ran out in the road.  When we got to Joann's we had to wait in line, while I held the baby, then fight our way through a hundred shoppers.  I got some good deals but ended up spending more than I should have, then had to carry my purchases four lanes over to the car - with a baby in the other arm.

2) It was to early for the lunch we had planned so we stopped at a thrift store.  We ended up finding nothing and Linden was getting fussy.  We stopped for an early lunch at a cheap Mexican restaurant and Linden made the biggest mess EVER.  I also had to sit and look at chips and salsa I couldn't eat for over half an hour.

3) My friend watched Linden while I ran into the store to pick up some items.  Naturally, I got off without my list and forgot several things.  Linden napped the entire time, which was only 45 minutes - not his usual 2 hour nap.

4) We had to illegally park at Will's school because everyone was there for the parties.  We did make it on time, but the teacher asked us all to come 15 minutes early without letting us know we'd be sitting around waiting for the kids to come back from PE.  Linden was horrible - he ran up and down isles, cried, got into things and had several fits.

5) Linden was happy to see Will when he finally showed up, but only for about 10 minutes.  We got to watch Will fix and eat a large ice cream sunday - which Linden and I couldn't have.  Then we watched as the entire class played Valentine bingo - for a game or two anyway until Linden started clawing and pinching me.  (His way of letting me know he's done.)  So, even though I had planned on staying until the party was over and driving Will home, we had to leave early.  Which Will didn't like and complained about.

6) I took Linden home and put him down for a nap.  I texted a neighbor to grab Will from the bus and walk him home as Linden would still be asleep by then.  Only Linden didn't sleep, he cried for half an hour straight.  I finally got him up and walked up to meet the bus.  Then I kept him outside until Steve came home - which almost kept him happy.

7) While outside Linden had to be spanked twice for crawling outside the safe zone and heading into the front yard.  He also threw several fits and put on an old hat that was filled with water and debris.

8) For dinner, Steve boiled crab legs and corn on the cob in Louisianan spices.  Linden loves corn; so I took one out of the pot and ran it through cold water to rinse it off and cool it down.  I apparently didn't get all the spices off as Linden started screaming.  Then he rubbed his eyes and got spices in them.  It took me nearly 20 minutes to calm him down and get him to nap.  By which time my crab was cold and I had to microwave it as I peeled it, and Will was done eating and sitting in the living room.

9) I managed to finish eating and help Will with homework before Linden woke back up.  The next half hour found me dealing with a screaming baby as I bathed him, flushed his eyes, and administered medication.

10) By then, it was Will's bed time.  Linden stayed up a little later, thanks to his cat nap during dinner. By the time the boys were down, Steve was ready for bed.

Worse Valentine's to date!  (But I'm sure next years will be worse!)


I'm well aware of the things that can, do, and probably will go wrong with most given situations.  I don't think that makes me a pessimistic ... just experienced.

However, it should be noted that I enjoy the foundation of my life - my children, husband, friends, and where I live, and the quirks associated with each.  

I actually found my day a true representation of the spirit of Valentines - I spent it with those I love, in which ever mood or activity life found us.  And I am thankful for the opportunity to have done so.