Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I've lost it . . . officially

I was working on keying in instructions for making a lens cover/koozie about 1:30 last night. Part of the reason I was working on it so late is that I have trouble finding time to sew when Will is awake and he's quit taking naps.

I get up hours before he does in the morning, but that is the time I use to fill my orders and respond to emails.

The last week I have found my self amazingly tired. I am over my cold; yesterday was my first full day with no medication! But I think the three weeks of illness have just worn me out. I find myself having to take a nap every day. Hey, I'm old, just not that old.

While keying in my first draft of instructions I kept getting confused and decided it was time to call it a night. And boy was it! I opend the file to complete the instructions this morning and here are the last two lines of text I wrote. Keep in mind I am describing how to make a koozie/pocket type thing to keep your camera lens in.

Sew right sides together. Wrap the batting and bird stuff too, just to feed the bird. The batting will probably not work out.

We need to encourage one another to sew as often as possible. Nothing important but these people are in a big have.

Now, my first thought was that a virus had gotten into my file and was messing it up. I've actually seen this happen before; years ago. But sadly, I actually remember keying in the line about encouraging people to sew . . . that was when I decided to call it a night.

Can't help but wonder what else I might have typed in if I hadn't gone to bed.

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