Monday, March 23, 2009

A "lite" Book

As I began submitting chapters of my book to different crit groups it's become obvious that it doesn't really fit the broadest description for Erotica.

It's really more a paranormal with some great sex scenes, but the sex is secondary. It also doesn't happen on every page or upon ever thing it could.

I find myself a little shunned by true erotic writers for these lapse. For having a erotica "lite" book.

So I have been seeking a crit group that has more authors in the paranormal field. And I found one. And there is no doubt my book is a paranormal; it's on every page, sometimes in Dolby surround sound! But . . .

And this is the but that is bothering me. It's not dark, and most paranormals are. Even those that are not dark still have battles, fights, blood, and death. Mine doesn't. So, yes, I have a paranormal "lite".

But now that I am looking at a time in the foreseeable future when I will want to send my book to publishers I realize it needs to "fit" somewhere. And to make it do that I will either have to rev up the sex or the blood loss.

There is an online class being offered by author Angela Knight on crafting heart pounding fights and chaises. It lasts 6 weeks and is hosted in a format so you can pop in when you can, catch up, and submit your work.

I wasn't going to take the class because I have no fights to tweak, but I think I will take the class so I can see about adding a fight. Maybe if I was more comfortable with writing them, they would automatically fit in.

Then my poor little book wouldn't be "lite" any more.

1 comment:

  1. I think the class is a good idea on a multitude of levels. Use the info now or later. Doesn't matter, you will have the knowledge.
