Thursday, January 29, 2009

To Enema, or not to Enema

Yes, this post really is about Enema’s . . . so if you are squeamish or eating you may not want to read on.

I have been psyching myself into fasting next week. While I would like to fast for 7-10 days, which is the recommendation, I am aiming for 5 full days. No, it is not a water fast . . . do I should stupid to you?

It is a juice fast, and I plan on telling you a lot about it next week, so I won’t go into detail about it. Don’t worry, I’m not likely to die from starvation. Not for a year or two anyway. This bear is packing!

The website where I’ve gained most of my information is hosted by a doctor who believes in healing yourself.

To get the most from your fasting experience they encourage you to do other things each day as you fast. These include:

  • Brush your skin before taking a bath or shower

  • Sunbathe at least 15 minutes a day

  • When showering, switch from cold to hot – three times

  • Some form of exercise for 20-30 minutes a day

  • Give yourself 1-2 Enema’s a day

Now, I’ve actually heard of dry brushing before and I understand the value of it. I also understand that getting sun will help counter the depression fasting may cause. After reading their explanation bout the changing of temperatures during your shower, I’m okay with that as well. And, the exercise is a no brainier. Which leaves me with the original query of my post; do I Enema or not.

I’m be honest and tell you right up front, I’ve never had an enema that I remember. I think they forced them on 20 years ago when you were giving birth. At that point in the birthing process you are so accustomed to be examined and prodded by anyone wearing a green jacket, you don’t really pay any attention. That little thing called PAIN is holding all of your attention.

I was thinking an enema would be like a douche, just at the other end. I didn’t think that would be so bad; as long as you can buy them prepackaged. Because, yuck. Who wants to clean off what might get stuck in the little water holes when that comes out?

Then I got to reading their directions for an Enema and it’s nothing like I though. Well, it is sort of like I thought. Water does go up the ass; it just doesn’t run right back out. According to their instructions, you have to use a special bag with a knob to adjust the water flow. I believe I’ve already displayed the eekeness of this factor adequately. Then you have to contain the liquid inside you for as long as you can before you release it. They say the process can take up to 20 minutes to perform. That’s not even the end of it. While you are lying (Where exactly do you lay when your ass if filled with water?) down you have to massage your stomach to help loosen up the sludge in your intestines.

Now, before I go any further. I want to share that I know for a fact that receiving enemas is considered normal in many parts of the world. Lots of high price spas and health centers also offer it for their clients. There are known advantages.

What I have to ask myself is . . . when is enough, enough? I’m going to fast, make my own fresh juices to eat, brush my skin, get sun, go walking, and try to remain up beat and not kill my family members. Do I have to fill my ass with hot water too?

I mean really? Will it make that big of a difference?

We’re remodeling our quest bath so we’re all sharing at the moment. I can just see me laying on the cold tile floor, rubbing my tummy, and cussing like a sailor. Then Will starts beating on the door.

“Mom, I need to go pepe!”

Can you get up and walk around with a butt full of warm water? Should you?

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