Thursday, January 8, 2009

She liked it!

This is a short, and very odd, post . . .

I sent a few chapters of my book to my daughter Bonnet along with 5 different critiques I'd received from a group. It can be overwhelming when they all come in at once and it's hard for me to know whose advice to follow or what "really" needs to be changed.

Bonnet is a big reader and a very good writer. She has always done extremely well with her writing in school and out. And I knew she'd be able to direct me towards the comments I should take to heart; and those I can just ignore.

So she sent me back the file tonight and the first paragraph of her email follows:

"i liked it overall. very well written and good insight into the paranormal. this usually isn't a type of novel I'd read, but i feel like you give off enough detail to where i am comfortable & understand a little about the were-culture."

I just felt such a glow when I read it. She likes it.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool. And she is not wrong. Good book. So nice to hear it from your daughter tho. This book is becoming a real labor of love.
