Saturday, May 30, 2009

Survival of the Fittest, a Myth

Something I have been noticing for years now, jelled into a solid though last week. I've been spending a LOT of time over the last four years in playscapes, parks, gyms, zoos, and many other children related places. And I'm a huge people watcher. So what have I noticed?

I've noticed that when you see a "good" father out with his children, they are usually girls. Only one out of every ten good fathers will have a son around, and then only one.

I classify a good father as one that actually interacts in a beneficial manner with his child. Plays with them. Is soft-spoken in his discipline. Doesn't seem to be there to hit on women. And one who's children like him.

On the other hand . . .

I've noticed that when I see a "bad" father out with his children, he'll have 2-4 boys running around. Occasionally, he'll have a girl or two, but ALWAYS multiple boys.

I classify a bad father as one that sits in his car or as far away as he can get from the action. Doesn't interact with his children and yells at them when they bother him. Spends all his time on the phone or hitting on women. And who's children are afraid of him.

I can't help but wonder what the balance of nice vs. uncaring men in our population will be in twenty or thirty years down the road.

Survival of the fittest, I think not.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the bad father could possibly be a tired father. I never had a father figure take me to the park. That is something, maybe not much, but something.
