Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Time is it?

I have an opportunity to experience life as few people ever will. Life without time.

To a huge degree, I do this most of the time. As a stay-at-home mom with a non-school age child, there really are few restrictions on my time. Will and I go to sleep and wake up when he wants -- not by any pre-set schedule.

We sort of float through our days.

The only thing we have to be aware of is that Steve gets off work at 4:00; so I need to have my shopping/errands run by then. I need to have some idea of what we'll have for supper. After Steve gets home, everything is about getting ready for Steve to go to bed at 9:00. We eat, get clean, prepare for bed, so the house can sort of close down around 9:00.

Will is usually still up and running around for another two to three hours. I'm usually up for another four or five hours. But then, what does it matter? Time is irrrelivant.

Other than having to get up incredibly early this morning, the day has been without time constraints at all. We ate when we were hungry. Napped when we felt like it. I realized today that even the small scheduling I do on a daily baises most of the time is lifted. There is no be home by 4:00 or be ready for bed by 9:00 without Steve here.

Being near a city makes it even easier to loose sight of time; I can run out and get food, groceries, gas, a movie; anything I want, any time of the day.

Not once in the next week, will I need to be concerned at all about what time of the day it is.

It's a little frightening actually.

Sort of like the saying, "If no one is in the forest to hear a tree fall, does it make a sound?"

If you don't have to be anywhere or do anything at a specific time, does anyone notice when you show up?

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