Monday, June 1, 2009

I got a high "D"!

So, I got back my first judged entries form a contest I entered six weeks back or so. I had already been notified that I didn't win or place.

I was surprised. While I thought the chapter was in great shape when I sent it off, I had since got a REAL critique from a woman in my new group that tore it to pieces.

Heartbroken by the nature of her crit, I ignored it for weeks.

This last Saturday, Steve took Will and disappeared for a few hours. With calm "me time" on my hands, I re-evaluate the crit and realized the astounding amount of valve it contained. I totally rewrote my chapter, to a terrifying degree. And I LOVE IT!

When I got in the Judges notes today, I expected they would address those same issues I'd changed and they did. What surprised me was . . .

  1. They both really liked the story and premises,
  2. Both had little to say ABOVE what I have already changed, and
  3. Both said if I had only submitted the optional synopsis, I would have scored higher.

My scores from each were in the high 90s, a perfect score would have been 140; which put me at about a high "d". And I'm ecstatic.

No training, little experience, no synopsis, first submission . . . and I made a "D".

Yep, I'm easily pleased.

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