Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What Your Driving Style Says About You

The following is something I put together from personal experience and the last decade of driving in Austin, TX. It is just for fun and not meant to truly define you as an individual/driver.

Car Driving Close to Speed Limit in Fast Lane
This driver is doing the exact speed limit, or a few miles either direction, and will not move out of the fast lane even when an opportunity arises.
Personality: This person sees only black and white; no grey here. The speed limit is blah, and since they are driving blah, they have the right to occupy the fast lane. They tend to view people trying to go around them or honking to get them to move over as law breakers and take perverse enjoyment in staying where they are and ignoring them. They may even feel like they are teaching their fellow drivers a lesson.

Car Weaving from Lane to Lane to Pass
This driver will swerve from lane to lane to so he can be one car ahead of where he started from. If they can’t pass in the fast lane, they will cross two lanes of traffic and pass in the slow traffic lane.
Personality:This person doesn’t think rules apply to them and have trouble grasping the big picture as it affect everyone on the road. They are seldom smooth in their lane changes and almost never use blinkers consistently; how can they, they don’t know where they’re going. They tend to have an inferiority complex and don’t like anyone to be in front of them or block them in.

Car Speeding up to Ride Your Ass
This driver will race to ride your bumper. Even if they see a line of traffic and realize they will need to slow down, they won’t do it until right on the ass of the car in front of them. Then they will ride the bumper of the car until they move out of the way.
Personality This person has a lot of aggression. They are either young drivers that want to speed for the sake of enjoying the high they get from it, or middle age people with to much pressure and not enough outlets to relieve it. The only time they feel empowered or free is behind the wheel of a car while speeding. They show their power on the road by riding the asses of cars that don’t move out of the way; eventually you are so tired of their behavior you move over just to let them by – empowering them.

Car Blocking You In
This driver will pull right in front of you and slow down. When you attempt to go around them, they will either move over to block you or speed up so you can’t pass them.
Personality: Usually, without even knowing it, you have managed to piss this driver off. They are convinced you pulled right out in front of them, blocked them from changing lanes, or painted your car the same colors as theirs on purpose. They have finally managed to get in front of you and you are going to pay. This driver is very aggressive and not thinking clearly, you would be safest to pull over to the side of the road and let them get far far in front of you.

Car Driving Non-aggressively and Maintaining Average Speed Limit for Road
This is your average non-aggressive driver. They are doing the average speed; usually 5-10 above the speed limit, driving in the middle lane unless passing or exiting, and using their turn signals consistently.
Personality: This person has either recently gotten a ticket, can’t afford another DWI, or is worried about getting stopped for some violation. It is also possible they are medicated just enough to make them go with the flow or are driving a company vehicle.


  1. I know which one I am...the last one, and Im not telling why!! lol

  2. I've been them all at one time or another. :)
