Friday, June 19, 2009

Class on Saturday

I teach an informal class for UT twice a semester. It is on how to make sewing patterns from your own clothing without taking them apart. This is the fifth or sixth semester I've taught it.

I always leave the class happy and content. The problem is that EVERY time the class comes up I dread it like crazy. I don't like meeting people I don't know. I hate getting dressed up and having to put on makeup. It takes a good 5-6 hours out of my Saturday and away from my family. I spend hours preparing for the class.

For the first time, the class wasn't filled early. So every few days I would check the enrollment, hoping it wouldn't make. That I'd have an easy out. If the minimum I set for the class doesn't enroll, they call me and I can cancel the class. Or, I can teach to just those that enrolled.

As the deadline for enrollment approached I began to find reasons not to teach the class. It's summer and half the students probably won't show up anyway. I haven't really felt good all week. There's another class schedules next month, they can take that one. On and on it went.

Today the coordinator calls me and I am one person away from my minimum. She wants to know if I want to cancel the class. And I do. But that's not what comes out of my mouth. I agree to teach the class.

And even hours after I agreed, I'm still wishing I hadn't. But another part of me KNOWS I need this enforced interaction. I NEED to meet and deal with strangers. I NEED to dress up and go somewhere. I NEED the break from my family life. It pulls me in directions I don't normally go and makes me interact in ways I don't often get a chance to.

I also know, after the class is over tomorrow, I will be all happy and content on my drive home. Happy I made myself show up one more time.

1 comment:

  1. Im glad you recognize all of the needs that are fulfilled by the class. Forced interaction and getting away from the house for a few hours is a good thing.
