Will has hard to manage hair. There are three hard to control cow licks. Two towards the back which mandate the hair on top of his head remain long. And one toward the front that won't allow things to lay flat. Add to the fact his hair is baby fine and straight as a board and it's all kinds of fun finding someone to cut his hair.
I've tried doing it myself. I've tried barbers. I even tried the cheap walk-in places. I finally found one place that consistently does a good job, for $13.95. Not bad really. But as I cut Steve's hair myself, and my hair only gets cut twice a year, paying to get Will's hair cut every 6 weeks seems obscene. So I put it off each time as long as possible.
Apparently, I put it off to long.
Steve made some comment about Will's hair being to long last night and I was like, "Yeah. I need to get it cut." After I put Will in bed for the night, Steve asks for some scissors. I give him my heavy duty sewing scissors. Then, a man who has NEVER cut hair, took those bulky scissors, a sleepy 5-year old, and went into the bathroom to trim the hair out of his eyes.
As you can see from the photo above he did achieve his goal, there is no hair in Will's eyes. Nor, will there be for 2-3 months. I'm hoping it grows back out to normal before he starts his new school next fall. LOL
It's not that it's a bad haircut, and let me tell you it is much worse than the photo shows - he cut half the hair of both sideburns as well. It's that as I child I had those same bangs all through elementary. We even had a name for them; Norma Bangs. Named after an eighty year old woman that wore her bangs about an inch long.
I told Steve that he was not allowed near my son with a pair of scissors ever again.
I've had this same talk with all of my children in the past . . . just never one of my husbands.
No. No. Bad Daddy!
Thank GOD it is not picture day at school!! Those are the bangs that scarred me in kindergarten! lmao