Friday, February 6, 2009

Quote of the Week


I had to see a doctor and get an anti-depressant to help me after my sister committed suicide in October. I, myself, have never fought the battle over "to or not to" commit suicide. It's not so much that I think I am better than others or more deserving of living. To be honest, I think it is more my stubbornness and refusal to accept what life seems to think I should be. Regardless . . .

The medication the doctor gave me is extremely addictive and he gave me the maximum dosage. I've been taking myself off of the medication for two weeks now. I started by taking 3/4 of a pill for 5 days, then 1/2 a pill for 5 days, now I am down to 1/4 of a pill. I have been suffering some small side affects of weaning my body; sick tummy, mild flu like symptoms, moments of bad nerves, etc.

So, I was complaining to my husband tonight about why the first medication the doctor would prescribe to me would be an addictive one at it's highest dosage. "What?" I asked Steve, "Did he assume since my sister had just committed suicide I needed the most medicine he could give me?"

(the quote)

"No," my loving husband said.
"He took one look at you and thought,
'She's half alligator.'."

(in conclusion)

Apparently, Steve read my alligator post.

I loved his response, it's so me. I'm sure it will be a solid quote in our lives from now on. So don't be surprised when you make a comment about me in front of Steve in the future, if his response doesn't include, "Well, she is part Alligator, you know."


  1. Your loving husband could not post on the last posting because he likes alligators and felt you were unjust in their portrayal. What did an alligator ever do to you??? Now for those of you who think that I am being mean to my mother in law, I HAVE A RIGHT TO!

    When Misty and I first met we were doing well, We both had jobs that paid well and we tried very hard to help Misty's mother as much as possible. We rebuilt her carport at our expense, we bought her groceries two to three times a month, we paid electric bills, etc. After about 4 years I needed a change from my career, so I started remodeling homes and took a large reduction in pay and hours available. While I was happier and healthier, Misty's mother took the biggest hit, we stopped helping out with bills.

    It took a couple more years, but I finally received a phone call from one of the sisters who had to tell me that my mother in law thought I was the lowest piece of scum available and she wished Misty would leave me. Every visit we made she was happy to see us and glad to have us there, but as soon as the door closed behind us, she would start telling crap about me. It got so bad that she started telling everyone how ugly her grandson William was.

    While I will help again if she asks (not for her, but for Misty), I just thought the alligator comment was too degrading to the alligator. What did an alligator ever do to you?

  2. I love that Steve now has his own blog via the comments section. You are both making me laugh!!
