Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lunch today -- not for those with weak stomachs

I am still experiencing wracking coughs from my head cold. I've been sick 12 days in a role now and well, I am sick and tired of it.

I am trying to get out and do more each day, but I am overcome with these coughing fits that nearl incompacitate me.

Today, I was driving to teh book store, after which I was going to take Will to a fast food place to play. Since I've been sick he's not had the chance to run and play like he needs to.

We're a good 20 minutes from our house when I get hit by a bad coughing fit. A BAD coughing fit. Within the first few coughs I have already wet my pants. The good news is I had on a pad; the bad news is the pad is full and I'm sitting in warm and squishy. Then it got worse . . .

I continue towards the restaurant, knowing I can dump the pad and sit for at least half an hour. If you don't REALLY know Will, you have no idea how not having an outlet for his energy can be detremental to all our health. He NEEDS to go play today.

As I continue driving further and further from the house, I continue to cough and choke. Then I get that terrible foreknowledge that I am about to hock a luggie and grab a napkin. Now, most guys seem to do this without any thought; it's even a great joke. Me, it makes me throw up about 90% of the time. I can not handle it at all. And well, today was no exception. What I tried to spit in a napkin ending up accompanied by my breakfast all down the front of my shirt. Well, and inside my shirt as well.

It wasn't a TON of stuff, but it managed to really get around. I wiped it up with two napkins and struggeled to settle my stomach down. I automatically continued toward the restaurant, but I'm really having second thoughts now.

As I pick up a loose chunck of something off my shirt that managed to miss the initial clean up, I'm telling myself that when I go in the bathroom to dump the swimming pool I can use saop to remove most of the smell and discoloration on my shirt.

I'd like to pretend I'm just such a good mom that I would go through ANYTHING to make my son happy . . . but it's not true in this case. I'm being very selfish in wanting a slightly calmer boy to deal with the rest of the day.

I may be sitting in a pool of piss, and covered with vommet, but I'm one smart alligator.


  1. I am the same way with either being the one to clear the throat, or listening to someone clear their throat. It literally makes me sick. Sorry you had a bad day.

  2. Actually, I had a really good day. Just a bad 1/2 hour or so.
