Thursday, September 10, 2009

Clean Windows: a Real Energy Drain

I know you are getting tired of hearing about my house cleaning (and boy, is that a sentence I never thought I'd say -- type), but I have to share with you my window experience.

As I have never been an extreamly clean person, you can imagin how far down 'doing the windows' was in my priority list. About ten feet under ground. While cleaning the kitchen, I had to clean the one window that sits directly over the sink. To be honest, I don't know that I've cleaned this window ONCE in the twelve years we've lived in this house.

I clean it from the inside and it was still dirty looking. So I went outside, removed the screen and cleaned it. It was horrible; I had to spray and wipe it down three different times. At which point I realized some of the dirt was coming from my inadequate cleaning from the inside.

So back inside I went, to clean the window. This is the ONLY clean window in my house and I have been shocked at the difference in light, and heat, that are coming thorugh it now that it is cleaned.

I know it's hard to imagine, but every time I've gone into the kitchen/dining area today I've had one of those "Holy shit" moments. It's very noticeable. More light is coming in through that one clean window than the ceiling fixture puts out.

I'll be honest and admit I love it. I love to be able to see through the window, to feel the sun, to not have to turn on a light in the middle of the day. But the cheap-ass part of me is thinking, how much would my electricity bill to cool the house go up if all the windows were clean?

Or, is it the lazy part of me?

1 comment:

  1. If all the windows were clean you wouldn't even know it was your house, You would be able to see the dirty couch or whatever that needs to be replaced. Do yourself a favor, stop cleaning or you will be buying new furniture!
