Friday, April 16, 2010

And Cigarette Butts

I'm always looking for ways to encourage Will to go walking with me in the neighborhood. A few months back I did it by taking along a plastic bag and picking up trash as we walked. It was amazing the types of things we found along side the road. Glasses, wrappers, bottles, a ten dollar bill, and tons of cigarette butts.

Will loved to shout, "Cigarette butt!" each time he saw one.

Another thing Will loves is the wildflowers that are covering the country side in Central Texas right now. In particular, he loves the blue bonnets.

We were leaving a store this morning and he was going on and on about the beautiful flowers. I commented on his fondness for the flowers.

"I love bluebonnets," he said.
"And cigarette butts."


  1. I love both of those things too!

  2. It's always fun to suddenly find money on the road! Not too fond of the cigarette butts though:)
