Thursday, April 23, 2009

There's something on my Penis!

Having two children who are in their twenties, you would think I've heard and seen it all where children are concerned. But then, I never had a boy.

I think that little boys interest in their penis has to do with the fact they can see it. Being a girl my self, and having two daughters, I never had to deal with any personal body issues until they were MUCH older.

However, Will seems to be overly concerned with his penis. He likes to talk about it all the time. While shopping he likes to ask AGAIN, for the hundredth time, if I really don't have a penis. He likes to point out that him and his papa DO have penises. Oh, and Steve loves that fact that Will is also convinced that papa has a BIG penis -- he's to young to understand it's all relevant. :)

About an hour and a half after his bed time, Will was sitting in the bathroom next to the computer room. He calls out for me to come to him. As he's already had me on about 15 unwarranted trips since bed time I tell him 'no'.

He calls me back again and he sounds really upset. I tell him no.

Then he calls out, "But there's something on my penis."

I just want to lay my head down on the keyboard and whine. This NEVER happens when Steve is around or awake. What is it that makes me the penis expert in the eyes of a four year old?

I finally go to see what is going on and he's just realized there are wrinkles on his sack. I don't know what to tell him, I'm a girl!

I tell him that it's okay, the wrinkles are just extra skin so there is room for his balls to fit in. Then he wants to know where his balls are.

If I yelled for help from the bathroom, do you think anyone would come? No, I didn't think so either.

This is one of the few times in my life I wish I had paid more attention in school . . . though I don't remember them covering things like this.

"I think they are up in side of you right now," I tell him. I have to say something and I don't see them, I'm sure as hell not going to feel for them.

"Oh," he says all calmly. "When I sat down they go up in me so I don't squish them."

Works for me.


  1. I will never forget being told by the preschool teacher about my son (about age 3 at the time) jumping out of the restroom with his pants down and yelling "Hey everybody! look at my penis!"...

  2. Thanks for bursting the bubble, "it is all relative". If you would have left that part out then EVERYONE would have thought I had a big penis... Now how will I go through life with everyone knowing "it is all relative"? I am so depressed right now I think I will go sit on the commode and grab a measuring tape...
