Saturday, November 5, 2011

You're Perfect

Steve had to work this morning, so he was up and in the shower by 6 am. Shortly after he left the bedroom, Will came in feeling a little sick at his tummy.

I snuggled him up on Papa's side of the bed and got him some medicine.

When Steve came out of the bathroom, Will just laid there quietly and watched his Papa. Steve put on a long sleeve shirt and smoothed it down.

"You look good, Papa," Will said. For once, his voice quite and sincere. (That honest emotion you seldom hear from children as they age.)

"No." Steve puffed out his tummy in exaggeration. "Papa is fat!"

"No," Will replied quietly, "You're perfect."

1 comment:

  1. Aww!

    It's a good thing you wrote this down To remind you during the times he's being less than angelic.
