Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Slivers of Soap

In the master bath at our house we have two different kind of bar soap; a men's and a woman's. Steve's is something very manly smelling and strong enough to take off the top layer of skin. Mine is something moisturizing that smells sweet. My soap generally costs about 2-3 times what his does.

Recently, I splurged and bought a single bar of specialty soap that cost me double to tripple what I normally pay. I love it. Not only does it smell unique, it also softens, moisturizes, and overall makes me feel special.

Well, it does most of the time. Last week I stepped into the shower and found that a small sliver of some disgusting guy soap had been melded to my expensive bar of girly soap; I about had a cow. (Another of those odd saysings popping out.)

It's not that I am unuse to Steve's odd habbit of melding slivers of soap to the new bar. He does it. I find it odd, but whatever. It's one of those things you accept as unharmful or dangerouse and just ignore. :)

But, and this is the big point here guys, you should ONLY MELD men soaps to men soaps. I made the mistake of thinking that would be obvious to a guy and I should have known better.

And laides, don't worry, I immediately scraped off all the melded soap -- and any surrounding soap it may have touched -- then washed my soap thourally.

Once again, all is right in my world.


  1. Easy to blame the guy who shares the shower with you, but I did not do it... After years and YEARS of marriage, I have learned my lesson!

    Sorry I hope I did not offend you.....

    Love you....

    I will buy you smelly soap later...

    Don't beat me again...


  2. Maybe the guy soap really liked the girl soap...just watch out for those funky babies! LOL!

  3. Only you would think of a post about men's and women's soap! Clever and funny! The two of you and your day-to-day adventures...just makes me laugh.
