Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Casual Hook Up

I've been going out dancing with a group of friends for a few months now. There a bunch of fun women about my age. One of them is married, but most of them are single and looking. I have no problem with this. Most everyone takes their own vehicle, so they can leave when they want to - with, or without, more company than they showed up with. (But, it's never happened.)

Last night we met up at a favorite hang out of ours and I invited a friend of mine that's never been out with us before. Since we live on the opposite side of town from the club, we carpooled.

She's single, young, cute. A single, young, and relatively cute guy came over about an hour into our night and just camped out next to her. About 15 minutes before we were scheduled to leave she asks if I'd mind giving him a ride - to her house.

I've never been the one-night stand type of person and I was totally flabbergasted (maybe because I am old enough to use flabbergasted in a sentence).

Even so, this probably would not have made it onto my blog except for part of a conversation I overheard on the ride home.

The young man is sitting in the back seat talking to my friend who is riding in the front. And suddenly, he leans forwards and asks, "Hey, if you're not doing anything tomorrow, you want to go on a date?"

My friend turn around and says, "You didn't want to -"

"Oh, no. Tonight is good," he immediately assured her. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow."

I hate to show my age . . . but shouldn't the date have come first?